Quantum random access memory via quantum walk¶
Link: iopscience
Abstract & Conclusion¶
quantum walker: a bucket with chirality left and right
quantum motion on a full binary tree
memory cells: bucket
information in the form of quantum superposition states
control a quantum motion of the bucket to deliver it to the desired memory cell
fill the bucket with data stored in cells
robust (low cost to maintain the coherence): use chirality state instead of quantum switches, no need of placing any quantum devices at the nodes of the binary tree
the bucket is free from the entanglement with the nodes
entangles with the address bits for a short amount of time to navigate the quantum walker: the chirality is updated the moment the bucket passes each node, only needs to maintain the coherence during the transfer between adjacent nodes
fully parallelized: \(O(n)\) steps to access and retrieve \(O(2^n)\) quantum superposition states
simplicity: 3 schemes required in qRAM are entirely independent of each other and can be described as dynamics of the quantum walkers, thus no time-dependent control is needed
Future problem: actual implementation by scattering processes of quantum walkers on properly constructed graphs
Potential application: quantum information processing
- image processing and transformations utilizing QFT (critical point: generation of multiple quantum images)
definition: \(\sum\limits_a\ket a_A\ket0_D\mapsto\sum\limits_a\ket a_A\ket{x^{(a)}}_D\)
\(\ket a_A\in\mathbb C^{2^n},\ket{x^{a}}_D\in\mathbb C^{2^m}\), where A denotes address register, D denotes data register
routing: access memory cells
querying: retrieve data stored in cells
output: encode the data into a superposition of quantum states
GLM architecture (“bucket brigade” scheme):
background: overcome fanout scheme in classical RAM
routing: a perfect binary tree with \(O(2^n)\) nodes
memory cells: \(2^n\) leaves
binary representation of the address: \(\ket{a_{n-1},\cdots,a_0}\), \(a_l=0\) left child, \(a_l=1\) right child
qutrit (left, right, wait) at each node
routing \(O(n^2)\): \(a_l\) sequentially delivered from the root to a node at \(l\) th level and activates the qutrit to left / right; only \(n\) qutrits are activated
querying: a quantum signal follows the path to the desired memory cell and retrieves information
output: go back and reset the activated qutrits to state “wait”, obtains the output
QW on a binary tree:
bucket \(\ket{w,l}_B\): the \(w\) th node in level \(l\)
chirality \(\ket{c}_C\)
space \(V_B\otimes V_C\):
bus space: \(V_B=\bigoplus_{w,l}V_{(w,l)}\ (V_{(w,l)}=\mathbb C)\) spanned by \(\ket{w,l}_B\)
chirality space: \(V_C=\mathbb C^2\)
address space: \(V_A=(\mathbb C^2)^{\otimes n}\)
operator \(\mathcal S_{(w,l)}\in \mathscr L((V_{(w,l)}\oplus V_{(2w,l+1)}\oplus V_{(2w+1,l+1)})\otimes V_C)\):
\(\mathcal S_{(w,l)}\ket{w,l}_B\ket0_C=\ket{2w,l+1}_B\ket0_C\)
\(\mathcal S_{(w,l)}\ket{w,l}_B\ket1_C=\ket{2w+1,l+1}_B\ket1_C\)
\(\mathcal S_{(w,l)}\ket{2w,l+1}_B\ket0_C=\ket{w,l}_B\ket0_C\)
\(\mathcal S_{(w,l)}\ket{2w+1,l+1}_B\ket1_C=\ket{w,l}_B\ket1_C\)
\(\mathcal S_{(w,l)}\ket{2w,l+1}_B\ket1_C=\ket{2w,l+1}_B\ket1_CS_{(w,l)}\ket{2w,l+1}_B\ket1_C=\ket{2w,l+1}_B\ket1_C\)
\(\mathcal S_{(w,l)}\ket{2w+1,l+1}_B\ket0_C=\ket{2w+1,l+1}_B\ket0_C\)
\[\begin{array}{l}\mathcal S_{(w,l)}=\sum\limits_{i=0}^1\left(\ket{2w+i,l+1}\bra{w,l}+\ket{w,l}\bra{2w+i,l+1}\right)_B\otimes\ket i\bra i_C\\+\sum\limits_{i=0}^1\ket{2w+\dfrac{1+(-1)^i}{2},l+1}\bra{2w+\dfrac{1+(-1)^i}{2},l+1}\otimes\ket i\bra i_C\end{array}\] -
Contribution: employs a discrete-time quantum walk as a bucket brigade scheme
data stored in cell \(\ket{x^{(a)}}_D\):
\(\ket{x^{(a)}}_D=\ket{x_{m-1}^{(a)}\cdots x_0^{(a)}}_D=\ket{x_{m-1}^{(a)}}_{D_{m-1}}\cdots\ket{x_0^{(a)}}_{D_0}\)
\(\ket{x_i^{(a)}}\in V_{D_i}=\mathbb C^2\)
address \(\ket a_A\):
\(\ket{a}_A=\ket{a_{n-1}\cdots a_0}_A=\ket{a_{n-1}}_{A_{n-1}}\cdots\ket{a_0}_{A_0}\)
\(\ket{a_i}\in V_{A_i}=\mathbb C^2\)
space \(V:=V_B\otimes V_C\otimes V_A\otimes V_D\)
address space \(V_A\)
data space \(V_D\)
qRAM: \(\sum\limits_{a\in \mathscr A}\ket{0,0}_B\ket 0_C\ket a_A\ket 0_D\mapsto \sum\limits_{a\in \mathscr A}\ket{0,0}_B\ket 0_C\ket a_A\ket{x^{(a)}}_D\)
where \(\mathscr A\subset\{0,1,\cdots,2^n-1\}\)
initial state:
\(\ket{\Psi_0^{(0)}}=\sum\limits_{a\in \mathscr A}\ket{0,0}_B\ket 0_C\ket a_A\ket 0_D\)
state at level \(l\): \(\ket{\Psi_0^{(l)}}\)
state with data: \(\ket{\Psi_x^{(n)}}\)
Schemes: qRAM = \(\mathcal{F^\dagger QF}\in\mathscr L(V)\)
routing \(O(n)\): \(\ket{\Psi_0^{(n)}}=\mathcal F\ket{\Psi_0^{(0)}}\)
decomposed: \(\mathcal F=\mathcal F^{(n|n-1)}\cdots\mathcal F^{(1|0)}\)
where \(\ket{\Psi_0^{(l+1)}}=\mathcal F^{(l+1|l)}\ket{\Psi_0^{(l)}}\)
plug \(a\) into \(w\), we have \(\ket{\Psi_0^{(l)}}:=\left|\sum\limits_{k=1}^l2^{l-k}a_{n-k},l\right\rangle_B\ket{a_{n-l}}_C\ket a_A\ket0_D\)
\(a_{n-1}\) operates on the first layer with \(2^{l-1}\) effect on level \(l\)
\(\mathcal F^{(l+1|l)}:=\sum\limits_{w=0}^{2^l-1}\mathcal S_{(w,l)}\mathcal C_{C,A_{n-(l+1)}}\mathcal C_{C,A_{n-l}}\)
NOT operator \(\mathcal C_{C,A_l}\in\mathscr L(V_C\otimes V_{A_l})\):
\(\mathcal C_{C,A_l}:=I_C\otimes \ket0\bra0_{A_l}+X_C\otimes\ket1\bra1_{A_l},\ \mathcal C_{C,A_n}:=I_C\)
\(\mathcal C_{C,A_{n-l}}\) clears \(a_{n-l}\) on chirality (\(c=0\)), \(\mathcal C_{C,A_{n-(l+1)}}\) loads \(a_{n-(l-1)}\) to chirality, then operates \(\mathcal S_{(s,w)}\) to shift
\[\begin{array}{l}\ket{\Psi_0^{(0)}}=\sum\limits_{a\in \mathscr A}\ket{0,0}_B\ket 0_C\ket a_A\ket 0_D\xrightarrow{\mathcal F^{(1|0)}}\ket{\Psi_0^{(1)}}\cdots\\\xrightarrow{\mathcal F^{(n|n-1)}}\ket{\Psi_0^{(n)}}=\sum\limits_{a\in \mathscr A}\ket{a,n}_B\ket 0_C\ket a_A\ket 0_D\end{array}\]The motion of the shift operator is correspond with the address: \(a=\sum\limits_{k=1}^n2^{n-k}a_{n-k}\)
querying \(O(1)\): \(\ket{\Psi_x^{(n)}}=\mathcal Q\ket{\Psi_0^{(n)}},\mathcal Q\in\mathscr L(V_B\otimes V_D)\)
\(\ket{\Psi_x^{(n)}}:=\sum\limits_{a\in \mathscr A}\ket{a,n}_B\ket 0_C\ket a_A\ket{x^{(a)}}_D\)
composed with Pauli X operator \(X_{D_i}\in\mathscr L(V_{D_i})\):
\(\mathcal Q:=\sum\limits_{a=0}^{2^n-1}\ket{a,n}\bra{a,n}_B\otimes\left[\bigotimes\limits_{i=0}^{m-1}(X_{D_i})^{x_i^{(a)}}\right]\)
\(\ket\cdot_B\) keeps the same, use \((X_{D_i})^{x_i^{(a)}}\) to change \(\ket\cdot_D\)
output: \(\mathcal F\) is unitary, \(\ket{\Psi_x^{(0)}}=\mathcal F^\dagger\ket{\Psi_x^{(n)}}\)
where \(\ket{\Psi_x^{(0)}}=\sum\limits_{a\in \mathscr A}\ket{0,0}_B\ket 0_C\ket a_A\ket{x^{(a)}}_D\)
Dual-rail encoding: use \(2(n+m)\) rails to represent \(\ket c_C\ket a_A\ket{x^{(a)}}_D\)
idea: using 2 rails (\(\ket1,\ket0\)) and 2 color to represent the qubits in \(\ket\cdot_A,\ket\cdot_D\)
where \(\ket\cdot_C\) controls the color of the rail, 0 for red, 1 for blue
\[\begin{array}{l}\mathcal F^\dagger:\ket{0,1}_B\ket0_C\ket0_A\ket{10^{(0)}}_D+\ket{1,1}_B\ket1_C\ket1_A\ket{01^{(1)}}_D\\\mapsto\ket{0,0}_B\ket0_C(\ket0_A\ket{10^{(0)}}_D+\ket1_A\ket{01^{(1)}}_D)\end{array}\]