


  • 概念:A queue is a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) list, that is, an ordered list in which insertions take place at one end and deletions take place at the opposite end.
  • 对象:A finite ordered list with zero or more elements.
  • 操作:
    1. IsEmpty
    2. CreateQueue
    3. DisposeQueue
    4. MakeEmpty
    5. Enqueue
    6. Front
    7. Dequeue


  1. 链表:front处需要出队,即需要索引到下一元素,故将链表头做front
  2. 数组:
       struct  QueueRecord {
        int     Capacity ;   /* max size of queue */
        int     Front;          /* the front pointer */
        int     Rear;           /* the rear pointer */
        int     Size;  /* Optional - the current size of queue */
        ElementType  *Array;    /* array for queue elements */
     } ; 


实现:r = (r + 1) % SIZE

问题:队列满时,r = f - 1;队列空时,r = f - 1,无法区分队列满 / 空状态

  • 本质:利用r, f相对位置判断队列状态,而相对位置有N种,队列状态有N + 1种,无法覆盖
  • 解决:规定队列具有N - 1个元素时为满,即 判空:(r + 1) % SIZE == f 判满:(r + 2) % SIZE == f

    为降低编程复杂性,将实际队尾后一个元素记作r,则判空:r % SIZE == f 判满:(r + 1) % SIZE == f