• 概念:A stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) list, that is, an ordered list in which insertions and deletions are made at the top only.
  • 对象:A finite ordered list with zero or more elements.
  • 操作:
    1. IsEmpty
    2. CreateStack
    3. DisposeStack
    4. MakeEmpty
    5. Push
    6. Top
    7. Pop


  1. 链表:单向链表头做top



    • Push:TmpCell->Next = S->Next, S->Next = TmpCell
    • Top:return S->Next->Element
    • Pop:FirstCell = S->Next, S->Next = S->Next->Next, free (FirstCell)
  2. 数组:

      struct  StackRecord {
        int     Capacity ;              /* size of stack */
        int     TopOfStack;          /* the top pointer */
        /* ++ for push, -- for pop, -1 for empty stack */
        ElementType  *Array;    /* array for stack elements */
     } ; 


  1. 括号匹配:将左括号入栈,碰到右括号时左括号出栈
       Algorithm  {
        Make an empty stack S;
        while (read in a character c) {
            if (c is an opening symbol)
                Push(c, S);
            else if (c is a closing symbol) {
                if (S is empty)  { ERROR; exit; }
                else  {  /* stack is okay */
                    if  (Top(S) doesnt match c)  { ERROR, exit; }
                    else  Pop(S);
                }  /* end else-stack is okay */
            }  /* end else-if-closing symbol */
        } /* end while-loop */ 
        if (S is not empty)  ERROR;


  1. 表达式求值
  • 分类
    • 中缀表达式: a + b * c - d / e
    • 前缀表达式:- + a * b c / d e
    • 后缀表达式(逆波兰式):a b c * + d e / -
  • 求值:
    • 后缀表达式求值:操作数入栈,碰到操作符时操作数出栈,计算后入栈
    • 前缀表达式转后缀表达式:操作符入栈,左括号入栈,碰到右括号时出栈至左括号出栈,碰到操作符时出栈至栈顶优先级低于自身,并入栈
  1. 系统调用栈
