
背景:系统调度 insert any, delete max




  • 顺序性质:纵向有序,根到叶节点路径递增
    • 定义:A min tree is a tree in which the key value in each node is no larger than the key values in its children (if any). A min heap is a complete binary tree that is also a min tree.
  • 结构性质:完全二叉树,id_fa = id_chl / 2
    • 定义:A binary tree with n nodes and height h is complete iff its nodes correspond to the nodes numbered from 1 to n in the perfect binary tree of height h
    • 性质:高度为h的完全二叉树节点数介于\(2^h\)\(2^{h+1}-1\)
    • 表示:数组BT[1:n+1] (BT[0]不使用)
      • 引理:
\[ \text{parent}(i)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \lfloor i/2\rfloor&,i\not=1\\ \text{None}&,i=1 \end{array} \right. \]
\[ \text{left\_child}(i)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 2i&,2i\leqslant n\\ \text{None}&,2i>n \end{array} \right. \]
\[ \text{right\_child}(i)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 2i+1&,2i+1\leqslant n\\ \text{None}&,2i+1>n \end{array} \right. \]

定义:A finite ordered list with zero or more elements


  • PriorityQueue Initialize (int MaxElements);
  • void Insert (ElementType X, PriorityQueue H);
  • ElementType DeleteMin (PriorityQueue H);
  • ElementType FindMin(PriorityQueue H);



  • 数组
  • 链表
  • 有序数组(从大到小排)
  • 有序链表 问题:部分操作耗时多,部分操作耗时少


  • Initialize:

    PriorityQueue  Initialize( int  MaxElements ) 
         PriorityQueue  H; 
         if ( MaxElements < MinPQSize ) 
        return  Error( "Priority queue size is too small" ); 
         H = malloc( sizeof ( struct HeapStruct ) ); 
         if ( H == NULL ) 
        return  FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); 
         /* Allocate the array plus one extra for sentinel */ 
         H->Elements = malloc(( MaxElements + 1 ) * sizeof( ElementType )); 
         if ( H->Elements == NULL ) 
        return  FatalError( "Out of space!!!" ); 
         H->Capacity = MaxElements; 
         H->Size = 0; 
         H->Elements[ 0 ] = MinData;  /* set the sentinel */
         return  H; 


  • insertion:将父节点不断往下挪 \(T(N)=O(\log N)\)

    /* H->Element[ 0 ] is a sentinel */ 
    void  Insert( ElementType  X,  PriorityQueue  H ) 
         int  i; 
         if ( IsFull( H ) ) { 
            Error( "Priority queue is full" ); 
         for ( i = ++H->Size; H->Elements[ i / 2 ] > X; i /= 2 ) 
             H->Elements[ i ] = H->Elements[ i / 2 ]; 
         H->Elements[ i ] = X; 

    (1)Elements[0]为岗哨,最后一定会停下来 (2)赋值速度比swap

  • deletemin:先删除根,找最小儿子,判断能否放入最后一个节点,否则儿子向上提

    ElementType  DeleteMin( PriorityQueue  H ) 
        int  i, Child; 
        ElementType  MinElement, LastElement; 
        if ( IsEmpty( H ) ) { 
             Error( "Priority queue is empty" ); 
             return  H->Elements[ 0 ];   } 
        MinElement = H->Elements[ 1 ];  /* save the min element */
        LastElement = H->Elements[ H->Size-- ];  /* take last and reset size */
        for ( i = 1; i * 2 <= H->Size; i = Child ) {  /* Find smaller child */ 
             Child = i * 2; 
             if (Child != H->Size && H->Elements[Child+1] < H->Elements[Child]) 
             if ( LastElement > H->Elements[ Child ] )   /* Percolate one level */ 
               H->Elements[ i ] = H->Elements[ Child ]; 
             else     break;   /* find the proper position */
        H->Elements[ i ] = LastElement; 
        return  MinElement; 

  • decreaseKey(P,\(\Delta\),H) / increaseKey(P,\(\Delta\),H):向上 / 向下调整

  • delet(P,H) (删除任意元素)

    1. decrease(P,\(\infty\),H)调整至根
    2. deleteMin(H)
  • buildHeap(H):

    • 法一:逐个插入 \(T(N)=O(N\log N)\)
    • 法二:从最后一个有儿子的节点\(\dfrac{n}{2}\)开始,向下一个一个调整 \(T(N)=O(N)\)
      • 子问题:左右儿子都是堆,如何调整根使之成为堆



        故高度和 < 深度和,法二更优

  • 应用:找第\(k\)大数 \(O(N+k\log N)\)

    1. 建堆
    2. 删最大数\(k-1\)


  • deleteMin复杂度\(O(d\log_d N)\) 找最小儿子交换时需要\(d\)次比较