
Design Procedure

Combinational Circuits


  • A set of m Boolean inputs
  • A set of n Boolean outputs
  • n switching functions, each mapping the 2m input combinations to an output such that the current output depends only on the current input values image.png|400

设计思路:模块拆解(自顶上下) 设计预定义复用模块(IP核)


  1. Specification 调研:Write a specification for the circuit if one is not already available
  2. Formulation:Derive a truth table or initial Boolean equations that define the required relationships between the inputs and outputs, if not in the specification
  3. Optimization:Apply 2-level and multiple-level optimization
  4. Technology Mapping:Map the logic diagram or netlist to the implementation technology selected(门 -> 与非 / 或非)
  5. Verification:Verify the correctness of the final design manually or using simulation


  • 原理图
  • 占用面积
  • 输入负载
  • 传输延迟
  • 映射模板



  • 假设:忽略门负载、门延迟;目标门与非门均可用
  • NAND映射算法:
    • AND:后加非 OR:前加非(\(A+B=\overline{\overline{AB}}=\overline{\overline A+\overline B}\)image.png|300
    • 非门推过扇出点,两非门相互抵消 image.png|500
    • 例: image.png|450
  • NOR映射算法:AND:前加非 OR:后加非


  • 真值表
  • 布尔方程
  • HDL仿真
    • 设计TestCase